Monday, 27 October 2014

Five Interesting Facts on Premium Beautiful Corset.

No. 5 - The Original name was in fact just "Beautiful".

When Premium Beautiful first came out in the market back in 1992, it wasn't called Premium Beautiful, it was actually just "Beautiful" but the product was such a tremendous hit in the market and a lot of competition soon followed that it was decided to add the word Premium, to distinguish it from the crowd and to what we know today as "Premium Beautiful Lingerie" or "Premium Beautiful".

No. 4 - Premium Beautiful had more colors.

Today we all know Premium Beautiful comes in only black color with the exception of Premium Beautiful Elegance in grey (2013), but did you know that Premium Beautiful used to have in an all white version? The all white color version ceased from production as the white version is easier to get dirty and is obvious when stained.

No. 3 - The only corset embedded with Far Infrared Ray.

A lot of people didn't know that Premium Beautiful is the only corset, body shaper in the market that combines the benefit of body shaping with embedded Far Infrared Ray (FIR). FIR is known worldwide for it's health benefits and numerous studies have proven the benefit of using FIR technology for it's users.

No. 2 - The same price since the beginning.

Yes, unlike other prices for many things since 1992, Premium Beautiful Corset price has remained almost the same price since it's introduction till today! 

And now for the ultimate...

No. 1 Fact You Didn't Know About Premium Beautiful

The material used - Akwatek & Akwadyne is not only a special material which dissipates heats when hot and keeps heat when cold. But it was chosen specifically due to the weather factor in Malaysia. Temperatures in Malaysia during the day can reach as high as 38 degrees! and without the use of proper material, wearers would feel terribly uncomfortable. 

Hence, the choice of Akwatek & Akwadyne is suitable for use in not just hot temperature but also cold (air-conditioned offices). This choice helps the wearer to feel comfortable throughout the day.

There you go, the list of the 5 Interesting Facts on Premium Beautiful :)

Feel free to comment and if you'd like this article, please do share it with friends & family.

For more information about Premium Beautiful and it's benefits, feel free to:-

Call or email me at:-
anis 0133470307

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Peluang perniagaan dengan GLAM

Hai semua :) sihat kah? Hee sekarang ni musim hujan..cuaca gloomy, kalau kita pun tak sihat, dengan2 kita pun akan jaga kesihatan, k? :)

Anyway, entri kali ni anis saje nak share ngan semua tentang peluang perniagaan yang sangat mudah dan sangat best..

Peluang perniagaan dengan GLAM a.k.a Green Leaders Academy Malaysia co-founded by Hanis Haizi dan Razali Zain.

Kenapa anis cakap mudah dan best?
Sebab, pertama sekali, modal sangat fleksibel..dari serendah RM50, anda dah boleh mula berniaga..

Kedua, berniaga dengan GLAM, kita diberi guidance and knowledge, dan paling penting, semua tunjuk ajar dan tips tu, percuma :)) 

Ketiga, produk yang dijual sangat berkualiti dan mudah untuk menarik minat pembeli..

Keempat, segalanya di hujung jari, sebab GLAM aalah perintis perniagaan atas talian atau mudah jer nak promosikan produk.. :))

Nak tau lebih lanjut? Pm anis ye :))

Selamat malam.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Salam Maal Hijrah

Salam Maal Hijrah..
Semoga kita sentiasa berubah ke arah yang lebih baik..
Dah baca doa akhir tahun dan doa awal tahun?
