Thursday, 27 February 2014

Not just about money...

Assalamualaikum...hi :)

Pernah tengok citer hindustan tajuk 'Hum Saath saath Hain', tak? (, anis peminat citer hindustan..lalala).. ok, kalau tak pernah, gambar citer tu anis ade attach kat sini..hehe.

ok..dalam citer ni..ade satu dialog yang anis ingat sampai sekarang.."The family that eats together, stays together"..haa..sbb citer ni pasal memang they believe by being together, working together, will be strong together...

so ape yang sebenarnye anis nak cakap ni..haa...sebenarnye..anis nak citer pasal online business yang anis join ni lah...basically, anis is a member of GLAM (Green Leaders Academy Malaysia), founded by Hanis Haizi..kalau kite google Hanis Haizi, kite akan jumpe banyak artikel pasal beliau dan cerita2 kejayaan yang beliau dah sum up, Hanis Haizi is among the earliest online business entrepreneur yang sangat2 berjaya..and most important, she is very modest and the best role-model a.k.a mentor ever..

being a GLAMpreneur, among the things that we are taught, this business is about teamwork and working together..United We Stand, Divided We Fall..tak boleh pentingkan diri, hati mesti bersih, dan yang paling penting ikhlas dalam melakukan semua perkara...ha..kat sinilah ade kaitan dengan citer hindustan yang anis cakap awal2 tadi tu..(haha..lawak la pulak)..

apepun..bukti yang GLAM memang mementingkan kerja berkumpulan dan Hanis Haizi adalah mentor yang sangat mengambil berat akan protegenye...anis dapat jumpe Hanis face to face, even before anis bersetuju pun untuk join the business..Hanis sanggup datang ke Rawang untuk berkongsi pengalaman hidup beliau, dan komitmen yang beliau tunjukkan untuk support leader anis iaitu Noly, itu yang sangat buat anis kagum...

Who said business is only about making money...?kalau itu sahaja motifnye, takkan Rasulullah SAW menggalakkan kite berniaga, kan..mesti ade hikmah ape yang anis nampak, dari contoh yang GLAM dah is about helping people, achieving dreams and most importantly sharing happiness...

so, apa sangat jadi a part of GLAMpreneur ni...jomlah join anis skali...mana tau, rezeki Allah bagi, kite boleh gi freetrip ke Shanghai sesama... ;)

Thank you for reading..


Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Mula melangkah....

Assalamualaikum..Hi... ;)

Kata orang, tak kenal maka tak cinta..belum cube, belum tau..

Macamana Anis boleh tetibe nak join online business ni?haa...menarik soalan tu..

memang sesape yang kenal anis, akan tau yg anis mmg takde bakat dalam berbisnes ni..haha..tapi....bak kata Hanis Haizi, the founder of GLAM (nanti anis akan citer lebih lanjut pasal the great Hanis Haizi..hee), "YOUR DESIRE IS GREATER THAN YOUR FEAR" sebab tu anis nak mencabar diri...I have a lot of dreams, and to make them come true, takkan goyang kaki boleh dapat sume kan...

So, it all started when my bestfriend a.k.a Mrs Nurliyana Kurnain introduced me to products from hai-o marketing..Minuman Bbplus, Mineral Coffee and sabun Marine Essence..she didn't have to say much about the product..try je dulu, die cakap..dan anispun cube, and guess what, I'm loving it..nanti anis akan citer lagi tentang produk yg best ni, cumenye nak cakap...sebab produk ni best and berkualiti, and bile anis cuba and pakai mmg berkesan, sebab tu anis nak kongsi dengan sume org...hee..

So, bile dah guna, Noly pun kongsi ngn anis pasal bisnes ni...bile dah tau pasal all the benefits yang bisnes ni offer (kalau nak tau lebih lanjut, tu yang kena tanya anis personally..hehe) anis pun decide nak join...


betul tak?

so here I am..mula melangkah kaki ke alam bisnes yang tidak pernah diterokai sebelum ini..mudah-mudahan langkah ku ini diberkati Allah, Insya Allah..

The first pic shows me and my bestfriend, who is also my leader, Noly masa first buat business sharing...she really opened my mind, and i hope you guys out there will too...hee..jomlah join bisnes sangat rewards yang boleh dapat...

and the second pic shows us, masa our PT session...anis siap ade buku nota tau..haha...segalanya perlu ilmu...ingat tu...

oklah..nanti anis post lagi pasal bisnes ni..and of course, sebab blog ni anis yang punye, mestilah ade citer pasal anis jugak kan...hee..

thank you for reading...


Monday, 24 February 2014

Ohana means family..

Assalamualaikum...hi..again ;)

Am at home right now..just a few minutes back,i was wondering whether i could create an entry by using my smartphone,n guess what..i can! Hahaha the beauty of android...sume ade!! Ngee

Anyway..before i share the reasons why i decided to join this one exciting community called GLAMpreneur (hehe..excited tak?..haha tetibe tanye gitu pulak)..let me share on things and precious people who made me who i am.. ngee... :)

Well,most people will talk about their family (mom,dad,siblings,etc + hubby n kids)..and just like them,i am blessed with a big loving family...

Nevertheless,what i am excited to talk about is another family that i have which i believe,not many people out there have.. (ngee..)..nope...not even that close to what you are thinking...jeng jeng jeng..

The other family is...
My LC family...

As i have mentioned earlier...i am an english lecturer.. (lecturer nye,la hai...haha) LC actually stands for Language Club..and why a language club is a family?...coz i love them so much..and lucky me..they love me back.. :)

I will let pictures describe it all...

Sunday, 23 February 2014

First step - Me Myself & I

Assalamualaikum..hai!! ;) ngee..

well...where to to begin... name is Anis Syazwani binti Mohd Hafis...and if you were to guess what i do for living..can use the language as a hint..(haha poyonyeee la hai) yes..I am an English lecturer, trying to push myself to the limit by being an entrepreneur..(trying..baru jer ni..masih hijau sgt2!!)..
anyway.. this is my first tahap kebosanannye sure tinggi melangit.. (hahaha)..

I will post more lepas ni..promise.
